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Head kedvenc bandái

2013. május 06. - Polski gyerek


Az ARTISTdirect egy újabb cikket rakott föl, amiben Head meséli el az ő kedvenc bandáinak listáját + el is meséli, miért szereti! 


Dokken was the metal band I loved the most in the eighties. I just got to jam with George Lynch, Billy Sheehan, and Ray Luzier at the NAMM Sabian party. That was a dream come true. As a kid, I loved George Lynch's solos. It's vibrato, and he sounds like nobody else. It's so tasty and unique. I was blown away by when I heard him. I had these thoughts in my mind. I'd think about it almost like a prayer. I wanted to have a style of guitar playing so unique that when people heard me, they'd know it was me. It'd be so different from all of the other players out there. It's funny because that dream came true in my life with me and Munky. It's also funny because it had nothing to do with soloing. I practiced all of those hours for nothing [Laughs]. We came up with our unique sound, we got in a famous band, and it came true. I'm thankful for that.


They were the biggest influence on me as far as getting me to play guitar. Angus Young was just the freakiest metal musician ever! 

Ozzy Osbourne

I was a total Ozzy freak! I was a huge fan of Randy Rhoads from the moment "Crazy Train" came out. I love Diary of a Madman. I had all of these Ozzy posters in my room. There was one where he had blood coming out of his mouth and midgets [Laughs]. There was all that crazy stuff. To open up for him was surreal to me. We were direct support. That's when our first record went gold. Ozzy's massive for me. The day we went gold, Ozzy and Sharon brought us champagne. Sharon Osbourne was like, "Congratulations darlings, you guys went gold. You're going to have a great career!"

Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden influenced me too. That was in the beginning. The dual guitars drew me to them. The whole package with Eddie as their crazy mascot pulled me in. I loved it all. We might have done a European festival with them back in the day. We're playing with them this summer. Hopefully, they're on the same day so I can check them out. It's going to be funny because Bruce Dickinson's a pilot, and he looks like a businessman [Laughs]. Then, he gets on the stage screaming, "Run to the Hills".


I've always loved Metallica. They're awesome, and they influenced us so much. When I was growing up in Bakersfield, I was musician, and I'd listen to Mötley Crüe and Ratt. I remember this kid asked me for some marijuana one day, and I was like, "I don't smoke". Then, he goes, "Right on man! You guys are rockers though! Master of Puppets!" I was like, "What the heck is Master of Puppets?" I found out later it was Metallica's album that was starting to blow up. I didn't get into them until a couple of years later. When I heard them for the first time, I was like, "Wow, this is power!" It was another dream come true to tour with them on Summer Sanitarium.

Mötley Crüe

I was into the flashier metal back in the eighties, and I loved them.


Vulgar Display of Power was really important. It was just such a brutal and powerful record. "Fieldy" played it all the time when he first got it. It was all we listened to. Meeting and hanging out with those guys was incredible too.


Sepultura was a big one back in the day.

Faith No More

Then, there's Faith No More. They were huge for us.

The Chariot

I love those metalcore bands. Have you heard of The Chariot? I one-hundred percent recommend that you go see their live show. You will flip your lid. They're the craziest stage band—ever. They run on top of the crowd. They'll start on the stage and spring running as fast as they can on people's shoulders. They put empty speaker cabinets on the crowd and surf on those. They swing from things. It's nuts. I like all kinds of metal.


You can't deny stuff like "South of Heaven". It's genius.

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