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Head beszél a Limp Bizkit-ről

2013. április 18. - Polski gyerek


Mára már tradíciónak vagy akár rendszernek is vehetnénk az ARTISdirect által kiadott cikkeket a blogon. Szinte minden héten kapunk egy (xy véleményi xy bandáról) cikket. És szinte mindig megszólal egy Korn tag is. Nem meglepő tehát, hogy amikor pont a Limp Bizkit-ről, Head rögtön mesélt róluk. Nagyon vicces kis történet

'As the story goes, we came into Jacksonville, and they were just at our show walking around. We saw them afterwards, and they were like, "We love your band!" Fred said, "I'm a tattoo artist and a skater." We were like, "Cool, maybe you can tattoo us next time!" They gave us a demo. We listened to it, and it sucked [Laughs]. A year later, we came into town, and he tattooed me. He had a new demo. We put it in, and it was really good this time. A couple of those songs even ended up on Three Dollar Bill, Y'All$. That was the second time we heard them, and we were blown away that they grew so much. Then, we saw their live show, and they had it. I think they were influenced by us, but they had their own unique thing too. That was a whole monster. As the story panned out, they became bigger than life. Everything they touched was gold from the videos Fred was directing to the tours they were headlining. It felt cool to be a part of that. "Fieldy" begged management to manage them! He got Ross Robinson to produce them. It's crazy. They became great really quickly, and it's incredible. Three Dollar Bill, Y'All$ was seminal. It's such an awesome record. Korn's played with them throughout the years and recently in Europe. We're sharing the stage with them this summer too, and that's going to be fun for me.'


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