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2010. május 23. - Starbert

ÉV   Stúdióalbum

1994  - Korn
1996 - Life Is Peachy
1998  - Follow the Leader
1999  - Issues
2002  - Untouchables
2003  - Take a Look in the Mirror
2005  - See You on the Other Side
2007  - Untitled album
2010  - Korn III – Remember Who You Are

ÉV   Élö Album

2006 – Live & Rare
2007 - MTV Unplugged: Korn

ÉV   Összeállított  Album

2004 - Greatest Hits, Vol. 1

ÉV   Demó Album

1993 - Neidermeyer's Mind


ÉV   Középlemez


1997 - Live at the Palace
1999 - All Mixed Up
2005 - The Other Side, The Other Side, Part 2
2009 - Korn 2009 Digital EP

ÉV   Kisalbum
1995 - Blind, Shoots and Ladders
1996 - No Place to Hide, A.D.I.D.A.S., Good God
1998 - Got the Life, Children of the Korn
1999 - Freak on a Leash, Falling Away from Me
2000 - Make Me Bad
2002 - Here to Stay, Thoughtless
2003 - Did My Time, Right Now
2004 - Y'All Want a Single, Word Up!
2005 - Twisted Transistor
2006 - Coming Undone, Politics
2007 - Freak on a Leash, Evolution
2010 - Oildale (Leave Me Alone)

Év    Video Album

1997  - Who Then Now?
2002  - Deuce, Korn Live
2006  - Live on the Other Side, Chopped, Screwed, Live and Unglued
2008  - Live at Montreux 2004

Év    Videoklip

1995 – Blind, Shoots and Ladders
1996 - Clown, No Place to Hide
1997 - A.D.I.D.A.S., Faget, Good God (Live)
1998 - Got the Life
1999 - Freak on a Leash, Falling Away from Me
2000 - Make Me Bad, Somebody Someone
2002 - Here to Stay, Thoughtless, Alone I Break
2003 - Did My Time, Right Now (Mirror Mix), Right Now (Lunchbox)
2004 - Right Now (3D), Y'All Want a Single, Everything I've Known, Word Up!, Another Brick in the Wall (Live)
2005 - Twisted Transistor
2006 - Coming Undone, Coming Undone wit It, Liar, Politics
2007 - Freak on a Leash (MTV Unplugged), Evolution, Hold On"

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